Historical Society of Harford County, Inc. Ordering Prints by Mail The Historical Society of Harford County does not grant exclusive rights. Permission for publication of prints is for one-time, one edition, or one publication use only. The Society requires prior permission, in writing, for each publication, re-publication, broadcast, display, or other public use of images of its collections or interiors. Possession of a Society print does not constitute such permission. Permission must be requested in writing, and should be directed to the Photo Archives. The Society retains all rights to the photos, and they must not be used for any purpose other than that listed on the permission form. Alterations: The prints provided by the Society will usually be of higher resolution and will not usually contain the watermark found on the web site images. The prints supplied by the Society may not be altered in any way. Even colorization or cropping, without Society permission is not permitted. For color work, cropping, or any modification, the Society reserves the right to require that proofs be submitted to the Society for comparison with originals and approval prior to productions. The publisher must guarantee that final plates shall be equal to the corrected proofs. Credit: Credit must be given to the Society as follows: Gratis Copy of Publication: On the date of issue, a copy of the publication shall be sent gratis to: Historical Society of Harford County; Attention: Photo Archives; 143 N. Main Street; Bel Air, MD 21014 Refusal: The Society reserves the right to refuse to grant permission and/or provide photograph reproductions to publishers and individuals who have not complied with its policies. Also, the Society reserves the right to refuse to grant permission and/or provide photograph reproductions to publishers and individuals based on the type of use requested. Time: Because print requests may take several weeks for processing after payment has been received, please allow sufficient time when ordering. The Historical Society of Harford County will charge 200% per image for rush orders. All information must be completed before the Society can process the form. Printing Fees: The Society has no volunteer photographer to make prints. Thus, the fees must cover the cost of commercial printing, mailing, transportation to and from the printer, and society overhead. The prices given below for mail order are restricted to one-time use and those photographs shown for sale on this web site.
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